We've all heard of it and I think 100% of my entrepreneur friends have felt it at some point in their life.

So how do you deal with Imposter Syndrome, especially when you're first starting out?
It comes down to changing your mindset. Here are some tips and tricks that helped me get over my Imposter Syndrome.
Remember you only have this life to live. There is no dress rehearsal so why are you standing in your own way with doubt. If you know you have the expertise to build something amazing, put in the work versus telling yourself all the reasons it won't work.
Focus on your brand experience - what are you providing to your clients that is unique to you. Remind yourself what sets you apart and why you dreamt this dream, to begin with.
Celebrate your wins - regardless of size. I love to write them out so I can see them. It really helps shift your mindset to focus on the good.
Stop comparing yourself. Stay in your lane, do what you do best and stop the comparison game. It's easy to go down that rabbit hole. I know from expereince but you make your business unique and that's is what will attract more clients. When you start to focus on yourself and your business you'll feel more confident in your brand and trust me it will show!
Being wrong doesn't make you fake - no one is perfect at anything, and it's ok to be wrong, business is about risks and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't that doesn't mean that you don't hold a spot at the table.
Ask yourself why not me? You deserve to be here just as much as the next person so why not you.
It really all comes down to you and how you decide you want to feel. You have full control of this feeling and remember it doesn't define you or your business.